

This research was conducted to produce a web based learning materials which is used in algebra structure course. The respondents of this research were student teachers of 6th semester, majoring in Maths, Faculty of Educational and Teaching Program, University of PGRI Palembang. The learning materials were developed by IDI (Instructional Development Institute) model. To measure of its validity, practicality, and effectiveness, a formative evaluation and a field test were used. The results showed that the 4111 prototype of the learning materials is potentially effective that 67,57% of students are motivated, 56,76% of students are interested and the students’ result of study which reached the point of 54,05%, are considered excellent. It can be concluded that the learning materials of structure of algebra based on website is valid and practical on study of structure of algebra, and has a potential effect.

Keyword: development, learning material, website, structure of algebra


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar yang berbasis web yang dapat dipergunakan dalam mata kuliah struktur aljabar. Responden penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa calon guru semester keenam dengan konsentrasi bidang matematika di fakultas ilmu keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan, Universitas PGRI Palembang. Bahan ajar dikembangkan dengan mengg,unakan model IDI (Instructional Development Institute). Untuk mengukur validitas, keterpakaian dan efektivitasnya dilakukan evaluasi formatif dan tes lapangan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa prototipe keempat bahan belajar sunggIrk: efektif sehingga 67,57% dari mahasiswa termotivasi, 56,76% mahasiswa tertarik, dan hasil belajar siswa yang mencapai 54,05% dianggap sangat memuaskan. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa bahan belajar untuk struktur aljabar berbasis website adalah valid dan dapat dipergunakan untuk belajar struktur aljabar serta mempunyai efek yang tangguh.

Kata kunci: pengembangan, bahan belajar, website, struktur aljabar.